Reports have suggested that herbal drug Crataeva nurvala prevents stone formation due to its anti-lithogenic and anticrystallization activities. It also has anti-urolithiatic property.
Tribulus Terrestris
Studies have shown that Tribulus terrestris has diuretic, antiurolithic, immunomodulatory, cardio tonic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities. Antilithiatic properties of Tribulus terrestris commonly called as “Gokhru” is often used in Ayurveda to treat various urinary diseases including urolithiasis.
Boerhaavia Diffusa
Boerhaavia diffusa commonly known as Punarnava is well documented as a diuretic and nephroprotective herb. According to research reports, it rejuvenates the cells of urinary system and improves the function of impaired kidneys.
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